You've found Darren Grant's World of Economics


The companion site for Methods of Economic Research: Craftsmanship and Credibility in Applied Microeconomics, the first comprehensive exposition of how applied microeconomic research should be done, from designing a study and delineating its scope to drawing conclusions and drafting the narrative that presents them. Learn more here!

Presentation Skills--A Buncha Materials HERE.

What's New?

I have now added an old-fashioned blog post tracking the time line by which credibility problems with Goldin and Rouse's (2000) Orchestra study were articulated. There are interesting lessons to be had from this story. Also treated as the thirteenth text for discussion. (Post found here.)

Posted: March 6, 2025
by Darren Grant

The twelveth text for discussion is now posted in the discussion board, the promised complementary study illustrating the importance of vernacular knowledge, and one of my working papers!

Posted: July 19, 2024
by Darren Grant

The eleventh text for discussion is now posted in the discussion board, an interesting study illustrating the importance of vernacular knowledge. Another in the same vein coming soon!

Posted: Jan. 19, 2024
by Darren Grant

The tenth text for discussion is now posted in the discussion board, a study illustrating the importance of thinking very carefully about experimental content.

Posted: Nov. 6, 2023
by Darren Grant

The ninth text for discussion is now posted in the discussion board, a study that really demonstrates the power and beauty of effective description.

Posted: June 11, 2023
by Darren Grant

The eighth text for discussion is now posted in the discussion board, a study that reveals the Achilles Heel of regression discontinuity as clearly as any I've seen.

Posted: Jan. 15, 2023
by Darren Grant

The seventh text for discussion is now posted in the discussion board, a straightforward study whose "problem" with experimental content closely resembles one of the questions in Food for Thought!

Posted: June 17, 2022
by Darren Grant

The sixth text for discussion is now posted in the discussion board--a study that with puzzling results that fails to close the loop.

Posted: Jan. 8, 2022
by Darren Grant

The fifth text for discussion is now posted in the discussion board--a study that has problems with experimental content within a regression discontinuity empirical design.

Posted: Aug. 28, 2021
by Darren Grant

The fourth text for discussion is now posted in the discussion board--a recent book with some "creative" interpretation of descriptive statistics, some "creative" theory, and some of the least organic economic content I have ever seen.

Posted: Feb. 9, 2021
by Darren Grant

The third article for discussion is now posted in the discussion board--a study that, in essence, wholly ignored the experimental content of its data and was caught doing so. The article for discussion is the takedown of the original study, and it stands on its own. But if you wish to go deeper, you can read the original study, the takedown, and the reply. This is what it looks like to get caught red-handed screwing up the experimental content of your data and being unable to admit it.

Posted: Oct. 21, 2020
by Darren Grant

The second article for discussion is now posted in the discussion board--a good example of a study that backs itself into a corner by focusing on estimating a coefficient rather than explaining the dependent variable. I will continue to put forward articles for these discussions, both to support the book and develop future material.

Posted: May 11, 2020
by Darren Grant

The first article for an article discussion is now posted in the discussion board--a fascinating example of mostly good craftsmanship that is undone by a few major omissions. I will do a few article discussions this year, both to support the book and develop future material.

Posted: Jan. 23, 2020
by Darren Grant

I continue to hear from people who have read the book. I hope to see continued activity on the discussion boards...

Posted: Oct. 15, 2019
by Darren Grant

Sales are steady, and I am starting to hear from people who have finished the book. Would love to hear from people who have read the book on the discussion boards.

Posted: Aug. 29, 2019
by Darren Grant

The book is doing well, judging by the metrics. I have heard from many people who have begun reading the book; now I really want to hear from someone who has finished it. The book's full argument can't be discerned until the end!

Posted: May 22, 2019
by Darren Grant

The book is out in electronic form and hard copy. A few people are starting to visit this web site. Somebody post something!

Posted: Feb. 12, 2019
by Darren Grant

Publication coming soon!

Posted: Jan. 25, 2019
by Darren Grant